Friday, December 17, 2010

Simplicity beckons towards mediocrity and gets rejected again

I get to finish off where I started. I get to talk of pain and deliverance of and unbeknowst torment of simplicity and taciturn events that really spill the fruits of an undying devotion to a pristine melancholy sadness of and infinte kind. I wish upon a star to the likes and the wants of above. I hope that I was able to reach the many people I wanted to touch and have an effect on the life that I yearned for. I hope I can move in the shadows of the dead. I hope I can move to and ealry rising of the full moon sun. The man in the black hat sits and laughs at me and points to his wrist. The watch of life is in full bloom thinking I can have a moment of hapiness in the war torn average life of indiscretion and lonliness that I cannot fathom to be a life I would want with anyone else. Move to the stars and wish upon a kind starlet of forgiving being to think that you can have a say in what happens in life. I hope I could forget the lonely misery that awakens me. I hope I can push the sorrow away from the unfitting form of humanity that awakens me from my slumber. I laugh in the face of adversity hoping I can become one with the monkey. I laugh I cry. I bring a rose from its seed to its thorn. I move in to a position of assertion. thinkging that the effect of a meaninful and skillful life will make a change in the way that people treat me and the respect given to a clown on a mid summers day. I move to a different beat with a sum of fours divided by a multiplier of six. Its a way of moving between a rock and a hard place. Its moving through a camber of spirits and not being moved to an extent that will placate the few that need to be summoned upon a wing tipped prayer. You sing lada dada when they want you to hum dada lada. Its a precarious situation where one builds upon the low self esteem of others. Pushing toward a simple goal of making a friend in a world that doesn't belong to a simpleton. It works in mysterious ways I tell you. If for every penny I got a dollar the man in the black hat screams. I laugh at him this time as he saunters aways thinking that he makes sense. I move to another corner in the room and shoot a quick glance in the corner where he once stood and look up at the ceiling and dance a little jig to myself. I laugh as I think of a sick joke my cat told me. I think of life and how simple it once was. Simple is for suckers yells the man in the black hat as he falls on his face. I laugh and realize it is that simple.

Wicked brings about arrogance in small denomiantions

I bring a few points to my self to thing of arrogance lost. I walk these pathways of life hoping for a change of pace and a feather to really bring out the blue squirrels that danced with the acorns from the fruit of a missle tree. I think of a word that my friend screamed at me the other day. "Scort" he shouted violently. It wasn't directed toward me but I saw something within in him that day that freaked me out. I wandered helplessly wondering what I saw in him that made him act so crazy. Was I to blame for this selfish diabolical dream that moved toward me. I didn't know how to react. So with much bewilderment and trepidation I moved slowly towards him and patted him on the shoulder and when he turned around I surprised him with a violent jab to the face. He fell to the floor and started wailing like a little child. I knew then our friendship was over and I told him to get on with his life and not to be afraid of the man in the black hat. I think in my mind of those days and wonder what brought me to this predicament I am now in. I wondered where I went wrong and who did I wrong. I'm a clown in a red dress hoping that I will step into the light and realize that I have become the other one. I have become he who shall not be named. I again ask the Man in the Black hat what he thinks of me and my predicament and what should I do. He looks me straight in the eyes and tells me that my life sucks. I am now seething inside and have no outlet for my anger. I realize that his opinion is just a myriad of jaded jargon not even encompassing a iota of truth. That his opinion is based on a rambling rhetoric really meant for juvenile child implications with no reason of sanity. I move along slowly wondering what to do next with my time and wonder what secrets I have to pass along. I brush up against a tree and fall to the floor. I pick myself up and move in another direction. I am lost and have no bearing on the path or journey I am supposed to take. I move in an opposite direction and hope that I will have the man in the black hat to at least offer a hand in my time of need. I only see a single pair of footsteps through the trying times of my life. I know I walked it alone many times and I realize that the footsteps being made before me are of one pair of legs. I embrace this and move on with my head some what high and a inkling of self doubt that needs to be squashed. I move in a way that gets me going. I look at the brash young people to my left grinning from ear to ear and knowing that they too are in the same predicament as I once was before. I move with conviction and pass them without looking back. I move one foot forward and sit down with a glass in my right hand. I look in side and its empty. I don't know the meaning of this I gasp. The man in the black hat moves to my right and pours a glass of scotch for me. I accept this token of kindness but look carefully up at his face. Its dark and sinister and I don't know if I could trust him. I lick my lips and feel the saliva in my mouth building for the taste that has been building up for me since the bottle poured out the delish drink before me. I bring the glass to my nose and smell the sweet aroma of the beautiful twenty year aged aromatic liquid before me and dive into the flavors. At this point in time my mind wanders away from the cares of the world and the problems at hand. I sit down and forget the emotions and the pitfals. I don't care to feel anymore. The man in the black hat nods ever so carefully and departs mysteriously as I close my eyes and let the black envelop me. I'm done I say and to all a good night.