Sandwich said to pickle.. "I'm sick and tired of being paired up with you.. " Pickle wasn't to happy about the confrontation so he inquired with mayo and ketchup why they were such a tasty pairing and why he couldn't have that same relationship and why he really had no say in the matter. What this all means in some weird crazy way is that chocolate has diarrhea and fried chickend has the mumps. I really don't know how to let you in on the real secret. If there was a time that I had a plethora of options to delay the inevitable time swap of manic depression brought upon by a manic ass clown then I could tell you. There comes a point in your life where you take a toothbrush over a toothpick and realize that it was the wrong decision. You come to that crossroad of thinking that white is better then black. Its a metamorphasis of unpretentious children sitting in hammocks having ice tea and discussing the way things were and the the way they should be. You analyze rhymes and riddles and hope that you have figured out what that stench was in your basement. Its a pickle that wound up being upset at the sandwich. Its a feeling of brutal lonlieness and a target above the navel of a monkeys right toe. Its a shot that came out from left field. It really makes no sense I tell you. Its a stupid proposition that will get you absolutely nothing. It makes no sense that a white pigeon will sing a black song. It makes complete sense that a turkey will sing its final song. I hope the man in the black hat explained to you in detail that it really doesn't make any sense to try to fight off the impulse of undying affection you have for strawberry short cake. Its a muffin tin fulll of marbles that will get you a backlashing from a pigmy python on a power trip. I wish you truly understood the mind of a maniac that takes shots at the biggest mistake of it all was trusting Bacon with Tomato while Lettuce was on vacation. I digress while I undress the opinions of all my other produce rotting in my bottom drawer of my fridge. I miss pickle.
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