I once met a man from nantucket who decided to hit me with a bucket. It was a lesson I learned quickly that I can't trust a person from the deep south. It was a tried truth brought about by a weird crazed phenomenom that can't be digested by just drinking a glass of milk and wondering why televisions sit so flatly on a pedestal of despair. It was a wrong way down the right path of informality with a twisted vortex of turns and returns that don't allow a common man to really understand why one should develop relationships with figments of your imagination. It doesn't justify a doubt in ones mind over the rational thinking of two dogs sitting with their paws in the air. Its a succint combination of lies and laughs with a sprinkling of sarcasm mixed with an ounce of doubt. If there ever was a reason to doubt once self esteem it is now. It takes the time of many men thinking of random thoughts and twisted dreams of debauchery. I wish there was a slipe and slide through life. Weaving through the conomdrom of existence with a smidgen of laugther through the eyes of a wandering nomand unsure of his last check he deposited when he had that job in new mexico making burritos and salsa. It was a dark day driving on the left hand side of the road with a twinkle in an eye hoping that he had a close relationship with the gravy he smothered on his chest. It brings me great joy to see that he was able to bring it down upon the many people he learned to hate. I bring to you laughter and relief. It brings me great pleasure to introduce to you.. Blah