Okay I will speak for all men and real men out there. I have a problem. Its a big problem. I think many of you can agree its a problem. I ask many individuals out there why do we have this problem? I want to know what the fuck drives us to have this problem. Why do we deal with this problem. Why do we choose to stay in this problem. Why can't we fix the problem. Why can't we get over this problem. Ha. I know you already know what the problem is. I know you have it at the tip of your tongue. I know that you are like fuck that guy is right. If you don't know what I am talking about you are two things; gay or asexual. So now that we have the problem all figured out let me spell it for you. Women.
What the fuck makes us fall for their shit. What the fuck makes us put up with their shit. I know the answer on everyones mind. Its fucking pussy. I could totally be a comedian on a stage and I would have half the audience cracking up. The guys laughing the girls with their arms crossed looking like wtf? and the few women shaking their heads saying damn right we are the bomb.
I propose this.. FUCK YOU. Why do you women try to change us. Why the fuck do we put up with this shit. I am losing it. I do things I would normally never do. Oh yeah.. Its pussy. Thats the problem. That is why I do it. I do it for that wet thing between your legs. I'm being honest here. This is about that time where all the guys in the audience agree! Yes its for the almighty Pu-tang.. Fuck that. I hate hearing the bullshit. I hate the games, the going out to places you don't fucking want to be scene at all. Why.. why.. o tell me why. That should be a song. I don't have this problem myself. Millions of guys have this problem. Shit half the world has this problem. We men are fools. I hear the same shit from my mad cow bitch of a girlfriend. Guys have built entire cities for women. Fuck is that pussy made of gold.. Naw it stinks and is hairy like every other pussy out there..
I love this joke... it so me what I really encompass.
Guy asks woman to marry him. Woman says no. Guy goes on to live a great life fishing, drinking and hanging out with friends with no one to tell him no to whatever he wants to do. He can scratch his balls or wear what he wants. Go where he wants and fuck what he wants. Life and its options are all his!
But yet we are suckers. We fall for the trap. Why? because we are wrong if we don't get married and have the 2.5 kids and the white picket fence. We are frowned upon for being single. Something can't be right for a guy who doesn't want a marriage, he must be gay or something else must be wrong. We built this fucking world. (i apologize for the profanity, it is totally neccessary when speaking of this topic) It is ludicris to imagine that half the guys only made it because a woman was there to support him. I am all about prostitution. That shit should be legal everywhere. You should be able to walk into walmart and pick some chick out. Guys need to get their nut off. Plain and simple.
Am I totally wrong to bash the opposite sex. I think my issue might just be that I am pissed off in my relationship. I don't think I am happy. Actually I'm quite sure I'm completely miserable in my relationship. I have told everyone around me that I want to end my relationship. I have had the opportunities and yet I have not had the strength to pull out my goddamn balls and tell the bitch to suck on her stupid bullshit and leave me the fuck alone. WHY!! It feels damn good to be taken care of. To be pampered. Fuck the pussy. My chick takes care of me. But other then that I want nothing to do with the cunt!!! FYI they hate that word. If there is one word that they despise its the word cunt. Fuck you cunt. CUNT CUNT CUNT. I want to scream it in her ear.
I know this is totally off the usual topics the Man in the Black Hat likes to vent about. He needs it. He needs the people around him to stick up for him. Shake him around and say what the fuck happened to you. To many friends let their friends down and be miserable. A good friend should tell the person in the miserable relationship what the fuck is going through your head? Do you know how many other woman are out there?? Cunt isn't the only one. There are millions out there? Why do we settle? why don't we look just a bit harder. We wait and wait... by then are balls are old and shrivled and we wonder what the fuck did we let our lives pass by? We are idiots. Men are stupid. We are suckers for that wet spot.
The man in the black hat signs off. pissed at himself. Pissed at all the bitches out there. to all the cunts i've loved before. To all the cunts I should have fucked..
This was very unprofessional and I apologize.
Black hat out!
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