Ripping and napping I walk through the hall
What becomes of that terrible wall.
I don’t know if it is stopping my fall.
What should I do what will I become.
Psycho sounds good because pleasure is none
What will happen to the twisted fate of the sailor
Who knows what will become of the man in the hat
I think he has a very strange cat
It seems to look me in the eye what a terrible sound. I think I want some fun to come into my life. What would happen if
I saw them all walking and turning scary how they all can fall.
I see them approaching me walking with two cups and a hot dog. He aimlessly passes by. Two of them dressed in suits looks like a war on a crazy foot. Those earphones strapped strangely on him. Walking with a ugly color gin. He looks at me mischievously but He cannot comprehend what I’m doing. He eats his ice cream provocatively, slipping his tongue all over the spoon like he hasn’t eaten in over a year. She’s huge what is wrong a sickness or is she just stupid fat. An ugly hat, orange like gum. What type of life does that stranger run. Walking nonchalant with a sip from the cup. He seems to know that he doesn’t give a fuck.
I hear the cackle of witches the only problem is that these bitches have been around me for over a year. To long if you ask a serious source. How can I take so many of them. This defiantly has to be the end.
She gazes with no knowledge of the future. So innocent and cute, How can she be subject to such terrible sins. To bad she doesn’t know what she is headed to. It’s a loss to grow up in this world. Crazy at it may seem but, I hate this world. To much hell for a simple stick. Why do I have to go through this crazy shit.
He is a character I must say. Say’s I stabbed him in the back from day to day, he can blow a goat for all I care , but even for him the goat would say neigh. I can’t believe I know these fast. Too much time to take career of them all. Whey do I bother I have to ask my self. Screw them all.
Drifting into an unconscious sleep I take a whiff of a incredible scent. Why do I bother will all these things, unfortunately I don’t know why. It was a new day in his life. He had gone through to much crap. He entered his room with a feeling of a new craze. It was time to finally drift from this feeling of a daze. Forget what people think about everything he feels is right. He decided to move on with his life. It was finally the time to make the choice.
Why should he suffer through feelings of guilt for a team that has not only once stabbed him in the back. They say he should stay but he decided against that why should he bother with such a trivial aspect of his life. Screw them he said. I will go on and live my life. What was he talking about, that was what everyone was wondering. He entered their apartment and asked them, “What” what was their problem he wondered.
He wanted to be free from her grip
to much time he had been with this cunt.
Why should he stay around to her annoying ways
He is sick of the way she constantly is around
Begging for something he would never give.
What is the point for this meaningless pun
I wish I could tell her how much I hate her.
Maybe she should just die.
That would be fun, I could ring her neck
And sing and scream, “How Fun”
That wouldn’t fly not at all. How would I explain to her annoying friends,
Tell her the truth that works. You suck and that’s that