We move on in an infinite fog unbeknownst to others of our impending collision into oblivion. We move through these times in a daze wondering what will become of these moments in our life that we thought were so important. We stressed over the bullshit and thought we wouldn't be able to move on to the next minute of our lives because this moment would not pass. This to shall pass. What a crock of shit. Of course it will pass of course. Even if you weren't here it would pass. We are a small dot on a scale so grand an massive that we don't comprehend the unimportance of our lives. Yet we move to a different tune and believe that what we do know effects the entire world. Its a great thought.
I whisper into a shadow of a white framed window with a ten sign pushing two cups of hot chocolate into a tree lined forest of green munchkins dancing on skittles with a horned toad tree frog skipping on tiles full of snot and chocolate covered escalades. A water truck moves with cherries and dull black shirts moving through a door while shouting donuts rule the world. Its a black car driving past a white van with a roof ladder tied to its hip with a candy cane mentality with a fat troll doll on a pencil singing tra la la. Its a badge of courage for one monkey swinging from a tree top to a roof top moving through the evolution period that was masked with mistakes of grandeur filled with yellow bananas to be passed out with pink bonnets of scotch in a beer can. she looks sullen as she moves through the door. No doubt that something was troubling her. A stark contrast with the cocky air that this gentlemen comes in right behind her with his sweater vest that he must believe is that reason he is the coolest person in the room. In reality he is a moron with a hell bent passion of finding muffin scraps in garbage cans so others cannot determine the reason he has no life whatsoever. Its easy to judge with a peanut wafer in your pocket. It brings a certain amount of prudence to hear that you Will be there reason for such a crazy vilified argument. Sit right here he is told. He listens dutifully while not understanding the reason for the command. I push a pencil towards him and hope that he will be able to understand why the command was told. I laugh with a pretentious amount of babble. This cannot be I screamed again to the man in the black hat. I told you I don't want to listen to this rhetoric. He blushed. I don't believe I have ever made him do this before. In some slight unimaginable way I think I did it. I move on to another segment of my life and realize the burden that falls upon me at this moment. I knew it. I realize my problem this entire time. I have to come to the realization that has been stopping me my entire life.. I smile a big smile. I'm not wrong. I'm not right. I just have an understanding for the reasons of my life. Its all subliminal. Its a mental handicap. A precaution that has been set up. Its a yellow tape blocking access. I finally know why. Its very enlightening. At this moment I conclude this chapter and move on.