There is a certain joy in being the loneliest guy in the world. It comes with the territory of not being loved and not caring to an extent of being loved. False bravado is displayed and a feeling of self worth is depreciated to an extent that one cannot fathom. I cannot describe this feeling of being alone in a world of uncertainty. I hate what I have become. I wish this upon no one. The feeling of sorrow and misery that envelopes me. I'm alone in this tin can with nothing but a wish that someone will crack open the lid of my unhappiness and release the child inside of me. I hate what I have become. I don't like the person I am. I wish a wish I cannot have. I dream a dream of cheating life and becoming something I am not. Life has looked at me and I have realized that I don't think much of it and I am better off traveling to a place that is dark and bitter. I hope that I can pass the time of my loneliness and stab it in the neck. I wish for a little and not ask for much. I hope that I can see a light that shines in a welcome way upon the loneliness of life. Help me to become the man I want to be. Not the pathetic lose r that I feel I am. I am miserable in my cocoon of self loathing with not an iota of feeling or a care really I have become what I resent the most. I don't want this life. I want joy and happiness not the sad pitiful life I wander through aimlessly include wishing was a leaf turned over finding fried bacon covered in pork rinds with a side of honey mustard. I don't regret slicing for a pickle two legs up with a side of corned beef ham. I relinquish all my debts to society with the proverbial fish sandwich baking in. A dish of sauerkraut brought on by a locust pool of veggies with a cornhole offering of a plane flying by with not a care in the world offering a delusion of grandeur that downtown spindles with the life of a monkey twice thrown into a fire belly beast with cream of tartar thrown into the mix. I hate what has become of me screamed the monkey to the goat. I can't stand the reason monkeys have become a tribal source of infinite wisdom to the sacred sorrow of multiple ions of universes divided among salsa loving cryptic bug wielding creatures. I laugh in disgust as my mother cries in a pain that people should not feel. I pity the fool that has to feel the sorrow in my voice. I digress into oblivion of a fool that believed that he made a difference in the life of the people around him. It was fine and dandy like a candy. Screw you. I laugh in your face while I spit in your eye. I win says the court jester. It's all a game while you sit on the curb with your smug grin and lychee colored shirt thinking that one day you will understand the word spoken by your supposed peeps. Life sucks you suck I win. On that note I move to another level of existence. Peace out bitch