i found out the other day that i would be the star in a cereal commerical. I thought ot myself how stupid that i would be chosen for such role. What do i do do i sit and just eat the cereal make a face of enjoyment as the cereal enters my mouth and crunch away at the stupid flakes of sugary goodness>? is this supposed to make me happy. What does make me happy. You come to a point in your life where everything seems to be going your way. You think you have the world vy the balls but yet you have nothing. You have whhat amounts to shit. You have acouple of possessions that you covet. in reality those possessions are hardly worth a damn. Damn this world. Damn the society that has placed the importance on happiness.
I once told a person that feeling like crap is a good thing. If you only feel good the entire time do you even know what it means to feel good? You have to feel like crap and feel like everything sucks in order to really understand what true happiness really feels like. I can tell you right now that I am not in that happy spot. I am adrift in self misery and wallowing and wishing only for a mere indgredient in my life that would bring me joy. Is there a reason for this misery. Abosolutely not. It is in no way understood. There is no ryhme or reason. Just a urge to disconnect from society, reality and everyone and everything.
I'm out.. its short its sweet its to the point. I need that. I need???